Black in America

Activist, speaker and organizer Briona Jenkins shares her experiences as a queer Black woman in America today, and presents on the larger movement for Black lives today.

A lifelong activist, Briona grew up attending marches, has served on several boards, and is the founder of Briona Jenkins Consulting where she strives to help organizations and companies become more accessible, diverse, equitable, and inclusive, nonprofit organizations with their fundraising and marketing goals, and shares her story as a way of encouraging others to see the power in theirs.

In this dynamic presentation and conversation, Briona will shine light on her own role as an activist, modern movements for equity, and provide thoughts on how to show up as an ally. There will be plenty of interaction, time for Q&A, and takeaway resources provided.

Body Positivity and Mental Health

Briona will help attends explore the intersections of body positivity, mental health, advocacy, and social justice work, how to politicize your understanding of body image and the radical steps we can take to comfortably live in the skin we’re occupying.

DEI Overview

This training is geared towards folks who are working to become a better ally, friend, coworker, etc by defining and discussing terms such as, but not limited to, anti-racism, LGBTQIA+, microaggressions, tone policing, implicit bias and more. This training is a great overview for folks starting out on their DEI journey as well as those who may need a refresher course.

Fundraising through the lens of storytelling

Briona Jenkins has worked at several nonprofit organizations where she served as a direct client support and development professional. During this training you will learn how to talk about your organization’s work, why you do the work you do, and how to bring in donors.

How to be an activist

Activist, speaker and organizer Briona Jenkins shares her experiences as a queer Black woman in America today, and presents on how to be an activist today.

A lifelong activist, Briona grew up attending marches, has served on several boards, and is the founder of Briona Jenkins Consulting where she strives to help organizations and companies become more accessible, diverse, equitable, and inclusive, nonprofit organizations with their fundraising and marketing goals, and shares her story as a way of encouraging others to see the power in theirs.

In this dynamic presentation and conversation, Briona will shine light on her own role as an activist, modern movements for equity, and provide thoughts on how to show up as an activist yourself. There will be plenty of interaction, time for Q&A, and takeaway resources provided.

This training is geared towards folks who are working to become a better ally, friend, coworker, etc by defining and discussing terms around implicit and unconscious bias. This training will help to unpack implicit and unconscious bias and how to rectify them. 

Implicit and Unconscious Bias Training

LGBTQIA+ Overview

This training is geared towards folks who are working to become a better ally, friend, supporter, etc by defining and discussing terms in regards to the LGBTQIA+ community. This training is a great overview for folks starting out on their LGBTQIA+ allyship journey as well as those who may need a refresher course. 

Briona will bring her own personal lived experience as a Queer person as well as professional experience of working at an organization that serves LGBTQIA+ youth and young adults and their support systems.


This training is geared towards emerging leaders, folks not in supervisory or program lead positions, as a way to teach them how to advocate for themselves. Briona will share her personal experiences as an example of success, teach folks how to capitalize and showcase opportunities, and how to navigate the process/journey of craving out your own way while being BIPOC, female, and/or a member of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

This training is geared towards emerging leaders, women, queer folks and other marganilzed people who often feel imposter syndrome. Briona will share her personal experiences as an example of success, teach folks how to capitalize and showcase their strengths, and how to navigate the process/journey of craving out your own way while being BIPOC, female, and/or a member of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Reproductive Justice and Health Advocacy

This training will be exploring the various intersections of social justice, race, socioeconomics, and reproductive health. The reproductive justice movement scrutinizes the effects of unfair laws and systems on marginalized communities. Racial bias, gender discrimination, and economic inequality are sources of injustice that catalyze ongoing activism. Health and rights are meaningless if people lack access to them. This training is an opportunity for folks who are Black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) and allies to learn about advocacy.

Subtle acts of inclusion

This is a wonderful follow up to a DEI overview training. This training will help folks explore how spaces have been inaccessible, train professionals on how to spot their implicit biases and work through environmental microaggressions and define terms and understand what they mean and how they play a part in your work.