Lose the LBs with Bri – Mar. 2017

Happy March and Happy Birthday Month to me

I know I was planning on interviewing a few friends who have been going through their own weight loss journeys but February was super busy and got away from me so instead I will be covering something that I have dealing with that I call, “fat girl brain”. (I apologize if that is offensive but that is what I call it.)

I have lost 50+ pounds, over the last four almost five years, and my mind, body, and spirit have changed immensely. I have become more outgoing and confident but even with all the changes I still find it hard to believe that my body is mine and how far I have come. Don’t get me wrong I know that I look good and I have friends and family who always remind but I can be very critical of myself. I have struggled with body image issues and eating disorders (from not eating to trying to see how long I could go without eating to considering eating but making myself vomit afterwards) for as long as I can remember. I haven’t had those urges in a while, thankfully, but I know that is something that I need to keep in mind when I start to get down on myself. Ever so often I will have the “fat girl brain” thoughts of, “You need to go workout, you can’t skip a day, Memorial Day is in eleven weeks”, the pressure to be thin rather than to be healthy, and when I feel like nothing looks good on me because I’m still fat (mind you everything I own is either too big or I never wear it).

One of the best and hardest things about being on this journey is that I have loved ones who are also on their own weight loss journey and I am rooting for them and excited for their success but it usually makes me feel like I am not doing enough or trying hard when I see them getting better results than me. I also follow a multitude of fitness people and plus size models/youtubers on instagram and I continue to see; what workout they try or  how they wear different outfits (and look amazing) and I like all of their photos but then think to myself that I could never pull that off. Then I start to ask myself why am I supportive of others but critical on myself?  (Again this isn’t all the time but I have bad days here and there.) I decided to weigh myself this month and as I have stated before I do NOT weigh myself. I think seeing a number on a scale can be mentally and emotionally draining, especially when you think that you have made such a big change and the number doesn’t match your mentality. I weighed myself on Feb. 9 (thank you Fitbit App) and the scale spat back 220 pounds. I weighed myself during a workout and it immediately made me sad, angry, and frustrated to the point where I left the gym. (I think this is why I have decided to do side by side comparison photos instead of keeping track of my weight.) I felt pretty crappy all day but luckily I was talking to my friend, Cristina, about it and she told me, “Your weight is the least interesting thing about you.” Sometimes I need that support and redirection to remind me that this journey is mine and it’s not going to be the same as everyone else’s.

I say things to myself that I would never say to someone else, as evidenced in this video that always makes me cry. I have been making strides in trying to be more supportive of myself and focus on how to be the best version of me and not to compete with others.

First things first I got my Fitbit Blaze and I love it so much. I have noticed that I am more motivated to be active and get my steps in, especially because you can have step count competitions with your friends through the app.

I was also taught a new sport, Pickleball, thanks to my friend TJ and his family. We have played at least twice a week for the last few weeks and taught other friends how to play too which also helps to hold us accountable and motivated.

My topic  for next month is to talk about words from your supporters that may be doing more harm than good.

Follow me on Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter : @Brionajenee

Hashtags: #LoseTheLBsWithBri and #WeChangeToImproveNotToImpress